Finding Solutions through Grassroots Wisdom

Finding Solutions through Grassroots Wisdom

"The pond's water was once fit for worship, irrigation, and even for our animals. Now, it's nothing but a breeding ground for mosquitoes," said Suhil Mandal. Basantpur Chintamani, a decade-old village pond and a community water resource that once met daily household water needs, supported sustainable irrigation for farmers, and provided clean water for livestock—where small-scale fish farming thrived—dried up and became a symbol of neglect and despair until the villagers decided to take action.

Sujni by Goonj: Upcycling Textiles for Livelihood & Sustainability

Sujni by Goonj: Upcycling Textiles for Livelihood & Sustainability

In the aftermath of the devastating 2008 Bihar floods, over 30 truckloads of unwearable clothes piled up in a local warehouse, leaving many unsure of how to address the problem. This scenario is not unique to India—worldwide, disaster wastage is a common issue caused by a mismatch between what is contributed and what is needed, or by insensitivity in the contribution process.

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