
Goonj has always believed in the power of individuals and the collective strength of people. Throughout our journey, it is the common people who have stood as the torchbearers of our mission, paving towards the path of positive change. Their unwavering commitment and active participation have been the bedrock of our work, allowing us to tackle some of the most pressing and often ignored issues.

By joining Team 5000, you step into this legacy of grassroots action and become an integral part of our extended family. This isn’t just about giving; it’s about becoming a vital contributor to a movement that empowers communities and amplifies the voices of the marginalised. Your committed cooperation and continued engagement fuel our sustained efforts. With every contribution, you assist us to extend our reach, deepen our impact, and create lasting change in communities that need it the most.

Picture a community where basic needs are met, where education is accessible, where livelihoods are sustainable, and where dignity is restored. This is the vision that drives us, and with your contribution, it is a vision we can achieve collectively.

When you join Team 5000, you’re not just a contributor; you become a change-maker, a catalyst for hope, and a champion of humanity 

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As per Income Tax guidelines, organizations will have to mandatorily generate certificate 10BE for contributors. For this, contributors must provide their complete address and a Govt recognized unique identification number.

All Indian contributions made to GOONJ are eligible for tax exemption of 50% u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

For any queries, write to us on [email protected]
or call us on 011 -41401216,011-26972351
