
Blog Content

Hello all.. thank you for many messages and calls.. look out this space in the late evening.. Goonj is already working at the back end to run a sustained and long term campaign, for the low-income group/village people affected in terms of livelihood and basic needs due to the corona.

Anshu Gupta

#rahatcorona #reliefcoronabygoonj #vaapsi #GOONJ


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Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week

Sandeep Raj, a team Goonj member took this picture..

His story about the picture- Sandeep works in Goonj’s Office and was visiting Puri, Odisha, to cover the aftermath of Fani Cyclone in April 2019. He says about the picture “I could feel how much people must have suffered and lost after the cyclone.


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This one-act is not only shameless but fundamentally wrong at so many levels

This one-act is not only shameless but fundamentally wrong at so many levels

This one-act is not only shameless but fundamentally wrong at so many levels; treating women as second-grade human beings and citizens and violating their human rights and dignity. Forcing women to remove their panties to see if they are menstruating is also a telling comment on how the taboos around “purity & “impurity” in menstruation are still so deeply rooted in our society.


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Say Yes to #GoonjKaJhola!

Say Yes to #GoonjKaJhola!

Let’s make Cloth Bags a way of life.. simplest step to stand with our environment. When you use and gift ‘Goonj ka Jhola’ you save the environment, provide a livelihood, save waste from landfills and most importantly support our work on rural issues across India.

To Order log on to bit.ly/GBGProducts

#Goonj #Recyle #CircularEconomy #GreenByGoonj


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School to School | Give India

School to School | Give India

Children in urban and rural schools dwell on two opposite spectrum of resource gaps: one blessed in abundance while other grapples for even basics. Goonj’s School to School builds a relationship of empathy and dignity between urban and rural children on opposite sides of resource disparity.

Contribute through Give: https://fundraisers.giveindia.org/projects/school-to-school

#S2S #Goonj


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Don’t Pack Your Unwanted Wollens!

Don’t Pack Your Unwanted Wollens!

Planning to pack away your woolens for next winter? Don’t pack away your unused woolens, socks, jackets, mufflers, caps etc. For millions of people winters are an annual disaster as they struggle for basic woolens.
Contribute your woolens, socks, jackets, mufflers, caps etc. to Goonj and do your bit! You can also organize camps in your locality,


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Chaupal – Bangalore

People of Bangalore please don’t do anything else on 16th Feb
#Chaupal2020 will be in the garden city of Bangalore, with the interesting title “ Mai Gyani, Tu Murkh”(The Wisdom of the Grassroots)! for an afternoon of conversations. We eagerly look forward to seeing you there. Details below:
Date: February 16th,


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