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When girls from Miranda House college Delhi, spoke on menses!!

When girls from Miranda House college Delhi, spoke on menses!!

A girl from Miranda College, Delhi University said, “I have never bought a pad by myself.” You may find it strange but it’s true and unfortunately she was not the only one in the room saying the same thing.. Another girl in the room said “When I first came to study at the college from another town my mother gave me four packs of Pads,


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Why it’s ‘Not Just a Piece of cloth’

Why it’s ‘Not Just a Piece of cloth’

The Dire Need

For generations, mothers and grandmothers across the world have used cloth as a sanitary pad. It’s only in the last few decades that the big brands have taken over, in the name of convenience of ‘use and throw’. Yet, even today if you ask most women in a village, ‘How many saris do you have?’ many will tell you,


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The Ponds are changing too

The Ponds are changing too

Living in the cities, many of us believe that our lives are very different from the people living in villages. Malls, flyovers and the rapid-paced technology does make our lives easier but some ‘basics’ tie us to the vast majority in rural India. The food on our table is one such ‘basic’, as is Water.


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