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Winters are an avoidable and preventable disaster

Winters are an avoidable and preventable disaster

Winters are an avoidable and preventable disaster, in which millions suffer simply because they don’t have enough clothes.. You can make a difference this year. Contribute your woollens, blankets, and saris.
Join Goonj’s ‘#OdhaDoZindagi‘ Campaign.
To contribute https://goonj.org/contribute/, to know more visit www.goonj.org/odz



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Here is a beautiful read..

Sharing a beautiful read on why we hold on to things… Everyone who has ever given something dear to them will love this.. https://www.livemint.com/mint-lounge/features/the-things-we-leave-behind-11579262516169.html



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A CFW activity from Khadara, Uttarkashi

A CFW activity from Khadara, Uttarkashi

People of Khadara village in Uttarkashi had to walk through an agricultural field to avoid a damaged path, thus disturbing the work on that field. When Goonj mobilised and motivated the villagers 140 people decided to repair this path, all on their own. They also brought stones from far away to make a wall to prevent people and wild animals from entering the field.


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#PhotoOftheWeek – Postcards from another India..

#PhotoOftheWeek – Postcards from another India..

#PhotoOftheWeek – Postcards from another India…
“OdhaDoZindagi”- Picture from Uttarakhand, India.

1 picture every weekend, giving you a glimpse of the amazing, heart touching scenes of people and places that our teams witness, with their story behind it.


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Our markets, roads, hospitals, schools etc. are the basics of our life..

Our markets, roads, hospitals, schools etc. are the basics of our life..

Our markets, roads, hospitals, schools etc. are the basics of our life.. BUT it’s not the same in the villages. Some highlights from FY 2018-19…

For more details please refer our latest annual report: http://bit.ly/GoonjAR1819

With your Material, Money Matters..Do Contribute https://goonj.org/contribute/ as Goonj’s innovative model uses the money for logistics and admin aspects while urban surplus material is used as a powerful development resource to trigger this work.


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Children should not be made victims of Charity

Children should not be made victims of Charity

‘Children should not be made victims of Charity’ is one of our guiding principles. Every year thousands of kids in schools and Anganwadis across rural India take up some learning activities and then as a reward for their efforts, get Goonj School Kits having basic learning material like books, toys, stationery, uniforms etc.

Our latest annual report: http://bit.ly/GoonjAR1819


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Creating large scale livelihood from disaster wastage

Creating large scale livelihood from disaster wastage

While most people know Goonj’s disaster relief work but few know about our livelihood generation work using huge quantities of disaster wastage. Started in 2005 after the Tsunami with 100 trucks of cloth leftover on Tamil Nadu roads to recent Kerala floods where Goonj took up big containers of waste cloth and partnered with Kuthumbshree,


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People of Madikinal village in Raichur district of Karnataka used water running through a nearby dirty canal that had accumulated silt and debris over time

People of Madikinal village in Raichur district of Karnataka used water running through a nearby dirty canal that had accumulated silt and debris over time

People of Madikinal village in Raichur district of Karnataka used water running through a nearby dirty canal that had accumulated silt and debris over time. Their agriculture and livelihood were worst affected by this limited availability of water. Mobilized and motivated by Team Goonj 86 people here came together to clean the entire canal using local techniques.


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Working deeply on Water with people| Glimpses from 2018-19

Working deeply on Water with people| Glimpses from 2018-19

Working deeply on Water with people| Glimpses from 2018-19

Just in one year (2018-19) when hundreds of villages across India work on more than 1010 water-related projects including cleaning and reviving of local water bodies, digging of ponds and wells, rainwater harvesting and re-building of check dams. Its time to acknowledge that something interesting is unfolding here.


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The countdown begins! We hope to see you at the first stop of #Chaupal2020 in Dubai! Please note that there has been a change in the venue. Details given below:

The countdown begins! We hope to see you at the first stop of #Chaupal2020 in Dubai! Please note that there has been a change in the venue. Details given below:

The countdown begins! We hope to see you at the first stop of #Chaupal2020 in Dubai! Please note that there has been a change in the venue. Details given below:

Date: Saturday, January 25th, 2020
Time: 2 pm to 6:30 pm Gulf standard time
Venue: One Life Kitchen and Cafe,


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