The Trans-India Challenge

The Trans-India Challenge

The Trans-India Challenge drove from Mumbai; meeting our volunteers in Pune, our field in Solapur, processing work in Goonj Hyderabad and field activities Puri in Odisha ending the first leg of the Challenge.



Menarche or first period is an important milestone in a woman’s life, not just a biological process but changing a lot of things in a woman’s life.


Don’t Pack your Woollens

Don’t Pack your Woollens

Don’t Pack !!
End of winters.. Don’t pack away your unused woollens, socks, jackets, mufflers, caps etc.. (you probably won’t wear it next year as well)
These can make a big difference in someone’s life..


Picture of the Week #2

Picture of the Week #2

Location – Goonj’s Delhi Office
This picture is from the early days of Goonj.. Anshu Gupta, Founder Goonj sitting down to fold leaflets with one of earliest team members Sunil Bhaiya.


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