
Finding Solutions through Grassroots Wisdom

Finding Solutions through Grassroots Wisdom

“The pond’s water was once fit for worship, irrigation, and even for our animals. Now, it’s nothing but a breeding ground for mosquitoes,” said Suhil Mandal. Basantpur Chintamani, a decade-old village pond and a community water resource that once met daily household water needs, supported sustainable irrigation for farmers, and provided clean water for livestock—where small-scale fish farming thrived—dried up and became a symbol of neglect and despair until the villagers decided to take action.

When our team met the villagers, there was a  collective drive to clean the pond and dig a pit. With combined efforts, the mobilized villagers removed the accumulated mud from the pond and spread it on the village road. This display of grassroots wisdom in rural development proved highly effective, as repurposing the removed mud not only improved the condition of the village road but also increased the pond’s depth and enhanced its water-holding capacity for irrigation and daily use. This story serves as a powerful example of how rural communities can turn adversity into opportunity through their local  wisdom and optimal resource management.

Why is reviving the pond such a compelling initiative?

After cleaning the pond, around 350 families in the community will now benefit. This effort will lead to improved water storage capacity, enhanced climate resilience, and better public health due to higher water quality for daily use. Our work truly comes to life when communities take the initiative to reignite their self-worth and local wisdom. That’s the Goonj Way. When Ashok Mandal of the village suggested planting fruit trees around the pond—which would strengthen the embankment and provide an additional source of income for farmers—we witnessed the empowerment of local villagers and the positive impact of sustainable agriculture.

Our invitation to you is, start from where you are.. From a small change of starting a Goonj kee Gullak or Team 5000, joining a long and deep change process, or things in between- organising a collection drive, a volunteering journey, an internship, or simply walking with us signing for a Goonj monthly newsletter subscription.. More on www.goonj.org or write to [email protected]

Many options, but the choice is always one; Taking Action

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