
Lacking food, but not resilience…

Lacking food, but not resilience…

Lacking food, but not resilience…

Our Tamil Nadu team first met Vijaya in Cuddalore district when they reached out relief to a family living on just rice and salt. Like most in her village, Vijaya too works as a casual farming labourer on someone else’s land. To make ends meet, she also ran a small tiffin stall which brought her a decent earning. But the lockdown changed everything. The stall is shut, and finding employment in the fields during this crisis has become even more difficult. Our local team ensured she received ration and other necessary materials needed to tackle the situation. Although most people like Vijaya, living in the villages, depend on agriculture, but the majority don’t own land…thus end up working for meagre wages. Having lost all means of livelihood, Vijaya and her family are finding it hard to keep their kitchen stove burning. She accepted the materials we got, with joy and assured us that she will fight on. Our target is to honour her dignity by engaging her – and others like her in the villages – in our ‘Work For Dignity’ initiative. Vijaya is one of the many with whom we need to stand and support in these troubled times.

We are there…Need you too…
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