
Community Initiative: Kharbari Villagers Unite to Repair Vital Roadway

Community Initiative: Kharbari Villagers Unite to Repair Vital Roadway

Community Initiative: Kharbari Villagers Unite to Repair Vital Roadway

Bundelkhand has been a region of drought for many decades but this year it saw a 360-degree turn resulting in heavy rains and floods, devastating houses and kaccha roads. When the only village road of Kyolari village in Lalitpur district got badly damaged by floods our Goonj team mobilized people here. They decided to work together to repair this road using locally available material. Just in 4 days over 45 people managed to repair the road. All participants were awarded Goonj Family Kits having basic essentials, for their efforts. Read more about our work at www.goonj.org/cfw

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