
Menstruation Dialogue

Even a small change can go a long way

Even a small change can go a long way

With an aim to spread awareness about the importance of menstrual hygiene, our team decided to visit Pandua village in Puri district of Odisha. During the visit we found out that most of the women there barely had any information around menstrual issues. They use cloth but maintenance of hygiene is usually overlooked. Also, our team observed that there were no bathrooms in the village and women had to bathe and change in the open.


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A positive step towards better health

A positive step towards better health

In a society which usually treats issues surrounding menstruation as a stigma and a taboo, the outlook of people of Rajasthan‘s Kharadi Phala village towards this subject is a testament to the positive change which is slowly, but steadily engulfing the country.

Situated approximately 70 km from Udaipur, Kharadi Phala houses around 290 families.


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The Journey from Just a Piece of Cloth to ‘MY Pad’

The Journey from Just a Piece of Cloth to ‘MY Pad’

Cloth is a basic need of a woman as is her self-respect and dignity. It is this symbiotic relationship between the two that calls for, “Not just a piece of cloth”. So Goonj started with the simple activity — of making a clean cotton cloth available...

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Indirect and invisible dimensions of menstruation

Indirect and invisible dimensions of menstruation

This deeply taboo issue has many impacts, which are still not part of the bigger discourse. This story touches upon some dimensions of how menstruation can be a monthly disaster for women...

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Veracity and effects of various sanitary pads available in the market

Veracity and effects of various sanitary pads available in the market

Today, a discussion and debate is raging about the veracity and effects of the various sanitary pads available in the cities and in the villages of India. One thing is clear that many people still have doubts...

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