

­­The bridge on the river Kaljani

­­The bridge on the river Kaljani

Have you walked 20 km to attend school? Or visited a neighbouring district only by foot? It might be beyond imagination for people like you and me, living the urban life, for whom hailing a cab comes as naturally as blinking. But for the majority of the population in rural India it’s a hardcore reality.


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Bus stop by the main road now offered waiting shed for the locals

Bus stop by the main road now offered waiting shed for the locals

In the Nanivali village of Palghar district of Maharashtra, the bus stop by the main road offered no waiting shed for the locals. With waiting time extending for more than an hour on any normal day, people (including school going children) often had to stand in the open and had to face the vagaries of weather,


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‘Now, mothers won’t lose their lives while on their way to give birth’

‘Now, mothers won’t lose their lives while on their way to give birth’

Karamba, a remote village in the Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand, houses just 19 families. To reach the village, one has to cross 3 km of dense forest and a rivulet. During monsoons, the settlement gets completely cut off as the water level of the rivulet, Jhari, rises to life-threatening levels, and the absence of a pucca road adds to the locals’ woes.


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For stronger paths, shorter walks…

For stronger paths, shorter walks…

Sandwiched between Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, Bundelkhand comprises 13 districts from both the states. With extreme temperatures in summers and winters, the region is prone to severe drought in the summers. With many of the tribal hamlets located on the hilly terrains, proper connectivity to mainstream society is still a distant dream for many in Bundelkhand.


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50 people of Langtha, Golaghat Assam built this 100 ft X 6ft bamboo bridge, just in 3 days!

50 people of Langtha, Golaghat Assam built this 100 ft X 6ft bamboo bridge, just in 3 days!

It only took 50 people to make this 100 ft X 6ft bamboo bridge, just in 3 days.. No engineers or experts from outside and no money paid. Goonj team motivated people of Langtha (Porja chuk), Golaghat district, Assam to reduce their commute of 5 kms to half a kilometer!!! Everyone received carefully made Goonj Family Kit as a reward for their efforts.


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Such beautiful and useful benches!!

Such beautiful and useful benches!!

When was the last time you visited a park and sat quietly on a bench, observing your surroundings in peace? Benches in public space are very useful…inviting any passer-by to sit and relax. In villages, people from different backgrounds use benches to spend time together, thus acting as a silent community builder..

Motivated by Goonj,


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Just in 4 days over 45 people managed to repair the road

Just in 4 days over 45 people managed to repair the road

Bundelkhand has been a region of drought for many decades but this year it saw a 360-degree turn resulting in heavy rains and floods, devastating houses and kaccha roads. When the only village road of Kyolari village in Lalitpur district got badly damaged by floods our Goonj team mobilized people here. They decided to work together to repair this road using locally available material.


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The Himalaya‘ Campaign to make the valley plastic-free

The Himalaya‘ Campaign to make the valley plastic-free

Sometimes simple ideas work more effectively than complex solutions.. This story located approximately 6000ft above sea level is a perfect example.. Darma is the trans-Himalayan valley of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. The Tribal community of Darma ‘Rung’ also known as Darmiyani, the residents of this valley are facing the challenge of plastic and non- biodegradable waste destroying the sensitive ecology of the mountains.


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The Marvels of Munsiyari

The Marvels of Munsiyari

Munsiyari in Uttarakhand is a beautiful town nestled amongst the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas. The scenic views are a well kept secret among mountaineers and trekkers who often use it as a base camp. But it is the women of Malla Ghorpatta, a village next to Munsiyari, who are the real jewels, given their amazing solidarity and sense of purpose.


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Connecting the dots and wires to electrify village

Connecting the dots and wires to electrify village

A village is considered electrified, if 10 percent of all the households have electricity and it is also there in the public places like schools, health centers and panchayat bhawan etc. and if we go with this strange criteria close to 35,000 villages are not electrified (as per records of Govt. of India, 2012) out of over 6.00 lakh villages!!


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The Story of Ownership

The Story of Ownership

With around two decades of work behind us, it is perhaps the right time to step back and take stock of what we are doing. Annually, more than 3000 small and big works are initiated under Goonj’s flagship initiative ‘Cloth for Work’ (CFW) across the most far flung parts of India. Be it Sunderbans (West Bengal),


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