

Flexing the Gaps

Flexing the Gaps

This story goes back to the proverbial wisdom of ‘if life gives you a lemon, make a lemonade out of it..’ Goonj innovatively turned a potential problem of used flex banners, on its head by creatively using this waste to address the challenges of people we work with.

Banners are a necessary evil and despite being a nuisance in terms of disposal,


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Your old material and the ecology of Sunderbans

Your old material and the ecology of Sunderbans

We live in a disaster-prone area. High tide is a regular phenomenon here. This mangrove wall is our only shield from disasters,” says Thakur Das Burman, from Kalitala village in the Sunderbans (West Bengal), looking at the tree-lined expanse in front of him.

A mangrove is a shrub or small tree that grows in coastal saline or brackish water.


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