

Chehak – Reclaiming childhood from trauma

Chehak – Reclaiming childhood from trauma

Playing with paper boats in water puddles is a favourite sport of children but what happens when the same water engulfs and floods their homes and surroundings? They lose their precious innocence in such calamities. This story is about how material adds a soothing touch to children traumatized by a devastating disaster.

The Bihar floods in 2008 weren’t ‘floods’


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The rewards of sincerity & dedication

The rewards of sincerity & dedication

The world today is becoming increasingly self-centered where empathy, compassion and humanity are fast losing ground. Now, more than ever, there is an urgent need to show our children how to ‘walk the talk’ and do something positive to make their world a better place.

Schools in urban and rural India are very different in facilities,


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What it takes to dream, with some material and no money

What it takes to dream, with some material and no money

Over the years Goonj has grown organically from an idea to a pan India organization. Like us this story irrevocably underlines how material.. old material at that.. instead of money, can be a instigator, motivator and a powerful source of innovative development work for anyone feeling constrained by lack of funds.

This story is about Uttara and Mandla and how our second lab of deep rooted innovations grew and blossomed with material.


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