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Thank you for joining #RahatCOVID19.

Thank you for joining #RahatCOVID19.

From using our facilities to make cloth masks to preparing food for migrants, supporting some kitchens to standing with individuals and organizations, in many parts of country to reach out essential rations for migrants who are stuck and the villagers, GOONJ is doing all this and more. Our huge network of Grass-root Organizations across India,


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Further to the FB..

Further to the FB..

Further to the FB live with Mr Anshu Gupta here are the subject lines you can use to send your queries/suggestions.contribution on [email protected] . we will segregate the same and respond asap. Also will frame some guidelines as required and will put all across Goonj’s social media by tomorrow-
SUBJECT LINES for the mails-


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Watch Mr Anshu Gupta addressing the world on the CIVID19..

Watch Mr Anshu Gupta addressing the world on the CIVID19..

Watch the Live here on Facebook


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Sochta hoon..

Sochta hoon..

तुम, अब गांव में ही बस जाना..
दो सूखी रोटी खाना..
पर वापस ना आना !!
हम, तुम्हें दीन-हीन,
ग़रीब, बेचारा कहते हैं ना..
खुद घरों में घुसकर,
तुम्हे सड़कों पर भूखा, पैदल छोड़ते हैं ना..
बस तुम वापस न आना !!
यकीन मानना..
यह सारे शब्द बदलेंगे..


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Here is what GOONJ is preparing for..

Here is what GOONJ is preparing for..

As we all can imagine the impact on marginalized people to some extent.. and as an organisation working in these remote areas of many states for over 2 decades, we can see it happening.. here is a link and it will be updated regularly..https://goonj.org/support-covid-19-affected .. Individual, institutions, foundations, CSR- Time to act !!


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