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Why it’s ‘Not Just a Piece of cloth’

Why it’s ‘Not Just a Piece of cloth’

The Dire Need

For generations, mothers and grandmothers across the world have used cloth as a sanitary pad. It’s only in the last few decades that the big brands have taken over, in the name of convenience of ‘use and throw’. Yet, even today if you ask most women in a village, ‘How many saris do you have?’ many will tell you,


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Taking collective responsibility for our problem

Taking collective responsibility for our problem

These are ironic times that we live in.. on the one hand, the country grapples with massive flooding in some states and on the other hand several other states reel under severe drought. Farmers are driven to commit suicide in many regions due to lack of water, failed crops and the burden of unpaid debts.


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Community came together to clean its lake, its Lifeline

Community came together to clean its lake, its Lifeline

Water has been a constant in our work across India; whether it is cleaning water bodies, digging wells or making irrigation canals. This elixir of life has been and is an urgent but unaddressed basic need of the masses we work with.

In the last couple of decades, although Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) has tragically become a synonymous of strife and conflict for the rest of the world,


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The Ponds are changing too

The Ponds are changing too

Living in the cities, many of us believe that our lives are very different from the people living in villages. Malls, flyovers and the rapid-paced technology does make our lives easier but some ‘basics’ tie us to the vast majority in rural India. The food on our table is one such ‘basic’, as is Water.


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Khandwa: First of our many experiments..

Khandwa: First of our many experiments..

An idea needs a fertile ground and careful nurturing to grow into a blossoming tree. This story is about the seed of Goonj’s work finding a verdant ground in a most unlikely place and how it turned into a lab for our experiments and innovations with material.. This story aptly comes from the heart of India;


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