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Lots of Love to Our Mumbai Friends and Volunteers

Lots of Love to Our Mumbai Friends and Volunteers

Lots of Love to Our Mumbai Friends and Volunteers – Tata Mumbai Marathon in the past few weeks with Fundraiser Pages- Vaibhav Bhandari, Neelima Akhtor, Ankita Natuskar, Shahzad Barodawala, Himanshu, Vineet, Shaina Michael, Anita Patil and Young Leaders from Singapore International School!

This is a good opportunity to do your bit to support the work with are doing with people across the country.


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Not happy with the bad conditions of the roads in your city?

Not happy with the bad conditions of the roads in your city?

Not happy with the bad conditions of the roads in your city? How about getting involved in getting them repaired? Over 85 families of Baratiliya village, Banswara, Rajasthan did just that.. By building a brand new road, all on their own!

This village road leads to the shrine of a local deity but walking this stone-filled and bushes and shrubs covered path,


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We invite you to another edition of ‘’Kitaab’- A Book Fair of Books people loved..at Goonj Delhi Center.

We invite you to another edition of ‘’Kitaab’- A Book Fair of Books people loved..at Goonj Delhi Center.

We invite you to another edition of ‘’Kitaab’- A Book Fair of Books people loved..at Goonj Delhi Center.

Join us on 21st December, a lazy Saturday sauntering around in a world of books.

Check the details below:
Chabootra, Goonj Processing Centre, Madanpur Khadar, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi – 76
21st December 2018 (Saturday)
2:00 pm –


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Inspiration comes in all sizes..6-year-old Mihir had first heard about Goonj at a session at his school.

Inspiration comes in all sizes..6-year-old Mihir had first heard about Goonj at a session at his school.

Inspiration comes in all sizes..6-year-old Mihir had first heard about Goonj at a session at his school.

When he found that a Goonj collection Camp was being held in his area little Mihir got very excited.. He even motivated his father to come along and understand more about our work. “I could see my son’s excitement when he was taking out material to contribute.


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This is a joint giving effort of GOONJ & TOMS (TOMS.com/improving-lives), a California based market leader in shoes

This is a joint giving effort of GOONJ & TOMS (TOMS.com/improving-lives), a California based market leader in shoes

“To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves” these words from Gandhi highlights the strength of our farmers and the importance of agriculture in the Indian economy. Team Goonj working with people of Papeshlana village in Ramban district of Jammu recently evoked this
strength to benefit them in a big way.


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Have you noticed how disasters are becoming more frequent and happening in cities more often?

Have you noticed how disasters are becoming more frequent and happening in cities more often?

Have you noticed how disasters are becoming more frequent and happening in cities more often? Whether it’s flooding of Patna recently or Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, in cities we must learn more about Disasters.

Goonj is bringing its Disaster photo exhibition ‘Witnessing Disasters in India’ to people of Kolkata this time. Do join in!


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Friends of Goonj in Delhi! Join us for an interactive session and meaningful conversations

Friends of Goonj in Delhi! Join us for an interactive session and meaningful conversations

Friends of Goonj in Delhi! Join us for an interactive session and meaningful conversations this upcoming Volunteers’ Meet on Saturday, 14th December 2019. Check out the details in the poster!


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Last week as the 3rd edition of ‘#Baithak’ kicked off at Goonj Delhi center

Last week as the 3rd edition of ‘#Baithak’ kicked off at Goonj Delhi center

Last week as the 3rd edition of ‘#Baithak’ kicked off at Goonj Delhi center.. We saw the coming together of Founders & Co-Founders from 19 different organizations working on wide-ranging issues from Education to Livelihood to Mental health. The discussions were around the collective sharing of challenges, strategies, and ideas between like-minded people.

Here are some glimpses..


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The basics of a road is their struggle still

The basics of a road is their struggle still

Living in the cities, we see well-built roads as a must but for people in the villages, the basics of a road is their struggle still, for example, the only road in Kvatar village in Bundelkhand (Uttar Pradesh), was anything but safe. Situated in a dense jungle, the road was the only path by which people brought back wood and herbs- their only source of income.


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Friends of Goonj in Mumbai! Join us for an interactive session

Friends of Goonj in Mumbai! Join us for an interactive session

Friends of Goonj in Mumbai! Join us for an interactive session and meaningful conversations this upcoming Volunteers’ Meet on Sunday, 8th December 2019.. Check out the details below 🙂


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