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बुंदेलखंड के एक गाँव ने अपनी मेहनत से बनाया … तालाब के भीतर तालाब

बुंदेलखंड के एक गाँव ने अपनी मेहनत से बनाया … तालाब के भीतर तालाब

बुंदेलखंड के एक गाँव ने अपनी मेहनत से बनाया … तालाब के भीतर तालाब

ये कहानी है बुंदेलखंड के ललितपुर जिले के एक छोटे से गाँव महौली की हैं , जहाँ गाँव के एक तालाब के सूख जाने के बाद गाँव वालों को पानी की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ा | ये बात उस वक़्त रौशनी में आई ,जब गूँज की टीम ने इस गाँव का दौरा किया | पानी की कमी से न केवल गाँव वाले परेशान थे बल्कि इसका असर उनके मवेशियों पर भी पड़ रहा था | एक ग्रामीण ने कहा कि ”


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Friends of Goonj at Rishikesh, Meerut & Delhi/NCR!

Friends of Goonj at Rishikesh, Meerut & Delhi/NCR!

Friends of Goonj at Rishikesh, Meerut & Delhi/NCR! Here is your chance to contribute at upcoming Goonj collection camps. More details here https://goonj.org/collection-camps/


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10 cold days in a row in Delhi- NCR

10 cold days in a row in Delhi- NCR

Worst hit are the ones living out in the open. This #OdhaDoZindagi, spread the warmth by contributing woollens and sarees. Your giving could mean so much!
Read more about our Annual WInter Campaign & to contribute your woollens, visit www.goonj.org/odz

Read the full story here

Media Courtesy: India Today


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The cold chill of winters is already bothering people on the roads and far-flung villages.

The cold chill of winters is already bothering people on the roads and far-flung villages.

The cold chill of winters is already bothering people on the roads and far-flung villages. Spread the warmth by contributing your woollens and sarees, this #OdhaDoZindagi
To contribute & read more about our Annual Winter Campaign here www.goonj.org/odz


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Temperature dropping drastically..

Temperature dropping drastically..

Temperature dropping drastically.. Have you done your bit? Your giving could mean so much. Join Goonj’s ‘#OdhaDoZindagi’, our annual Winter campaign. To contribute visit www.goonj.org/odz


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Big Bazaar joins Goonj’s mission of reaching woolens to people this winter

Big Bazaar joins Goonj’s mission of reaching woolens to people this winter

Big Bazaar joins Goonj’s mission of reaching woolens to people this winter. Do take this opportunity, contribute at the nearest Big Bazar outlet in your city. Your giving could mean so much. | Future Group


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This time will go to new friend

This time will go to new friend

There are many people that help us get through our daily lives. This festive season, Goonj encourages you to also include them in your celebrations. Put a smile on a face by giving a gift to people having a hard time finding cheer in the midst of all the festivities..🙂


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Goonj is back with the 4th Baithak on 20th and 21st January 2020..

Goonj is back with the 4th Baithak on 20th and 21st January 2020..

Baithak is a platform for organisations working on development issues to brainstorm on ideas, discuss the challenges, possible solutions and the ways to scale up the ideas. With the experience of people involving in interesting and enthusiastic conversations on diversified topics of development sector in the past 3 Baithaks’, we are glad to invite applications for the 4th Baithak..


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Harsh winters are starting for millions of people throughout the country

Harsh winters are starting for millions of people throughout the country

Harsh winters are starting for millions of people throughout the country. Every year Goonj gears up to reach the essentials for people who have little. This involves transportation and purchase costs. With You Material, Money Matters. Your giving could mean so much! Join Goonj’s annual winter campaign #OdhaDoZindagi and contribute.
To contribute: www.goonj.org/contribute
More on the campaign – 


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Winter is here: Freezing temp in J&K, Himachal, North India wrapped under cold wave

Winter is here: Freezing temp in J&K, Himachal, North India wrapped under cold wave

Peak winter time in Delhi and entire northern India. People out in the open, on the roads, in the far-flung villages are the most vulnerable to death and suffering right now. Surviving in this chill without proper shelter and clothing is really difficult..

Time to act for all of us.. Join ‘#OdhaDoZindagi‘ Goonj’s annual winter campaign.


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Share Socks and Shoes

Share Socks and Shoes

It’s not the cold but lack of clothing that kills people. Winters are an avoidable and preventable disaster, in which millions suffer simply because they don’t have enough clothes.. You can make a difference this year. Contribute your woolens, blankets, and saris.
Join Goonj’s ‘#OdhaDoZindagi‘ Campaign.
To know more, visit www.goonj.org/odz


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