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Chaupal 25th January, Saturday

Chaupal 25th January, Saturday

A new year, new opportunities for us to sit together and have meaningful conversations. We invite you to join the first stop of #Chaupal of this year in Dubai! Check out the details below:

Date: Saturday, January 25th, 2020
Time: 2 pm to 6:30 pm Gulf standard time
Venue: Warehouse Four,


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2nd Day of #ClothWeek

2nd Day of #ClothWeek

2nd Day of #ClothWeek with one simple realisation.. In winter if in the same city, I live and someone dies on the road it is not cold but lack of clothing.. It’s highly preventable suffering.. One that can be fixed with giving our new/old but usable woollens with the ones who need it most.


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Happy Cloth day January 1

Happy Cloth day January 1

It’s really cold in many parts of India. Whatever else you do, please make it warmer for someone who has little to go on…Smiles and blessings are guaranteed 🙂
Happy Cloth Day to You!!!

Spread the word in your family and friends to build a more humane and kind world.


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Wishing everyone a very Happy, peaceful, more humane, just and inclusive 2020!! From the entire Goonj Team!?

Wishing everyone a very Happy, peaceful, more humane, just and inclusive 2020!! From the entire Goonj Team!?

Wishing everyone a very Happy, peaceful, more humane, just and inclusive 2020!! From the entire Goonj Team!?

Please note: All Goonj offices will remain closed tomorrow, i.e 1st January 2020 


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Menstrual awareness sessions..

Menstrual awareness sessions..

Last year (2018-19) our teams held menstrual awareness sessions with more than 400 adolescent girls and women in slums, shelter homes, government schools in Delhi/NCR alone (apart from similar ongoing menstrual hygiene work in rural India). Many of these young girls move to cities from villages.and end up in slums with little or no sanitation facilities.


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Celebrating CLOTH WEEK

Celebrating CLOTH WEEK

The New Year brings a sense of renewal, reinstills feeling of belongingness and an opportunity to celebrate that through #ClothWeek! We urge you to keep your clothes, woollens, stationery etc., ready to celebrate the first day of the new year as #ClothDay. Spread the word, act on and let’s build a culture of giving together.


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Big Bazaar joins GOONJ’s mission of reaching woollens to people this winter

Big Bazaar joins GOONJ’s mission of reaching woollens to people this winter

Do take this opportunity, contribute at the any nearest Big Bazar outlet in your city. Your giving could mean so much. | Future Group


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Harsh winters are starting for millions of people throughout the country

Harsh winters are starting for millions of people throughout the country

Every year Goonj gears up to reach the essentials for people who have little. This involves transportation and purchase costs. With Your Material, Money Matters. Your giving could mean so much! Join Goonj’s annual winter campaign #OdhaDoZindagi and contribute.
To contribute, visit www.goonj.org/odz


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285 people of Mudgal village, Raichur, Karnataka create a check dam on their own!

285 people of Mudgal village, Raichur, Karnataka create a check dam on their own!

Karnataka; Raichur’s water situation has severely deteriorated in the last few years affecting the local agriculture and animals as well. Families surviving on less than 10 water pots a day are forced to sell their cattle for meagre amounts as they can’t fulfill their water needs.

For the people of Mudgal village in Raichur district,


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50 people of Langtha, Golaghat Assam built this 100 ft X 6ft bamboo bridge, just in 3 days!

50 people of Langtha, Golaghat Assam built this 100 ft X 6ft bamboo bridge, just in 3 days!

It only took 50 people to make this 100 ft X 6ft bamboo bridge, just in 3 days.. No engineers or experts from outside and no money paid. Goonj team motivated people of Langtha (Porja chuk), Golaghat district, Assam to reduce their commute of 5 kms to half a kilometer!!! Everyone received carefully made Goonj Family Kit as a reward for their efforts.


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बुंदेलखंड के एक गाँव ने अपनी मेहनत से बनाया … तालाब के भीतर तालाब

बुंदेलखंड के एक गाँव ने अपनी मेहनत से बनाया … तालाब के भीतर तालाब

बुंदेलखंड के एक गाँव ने अपनी मेहनत से बनाया … तालाब के भीतर तालाब

ये कहानी है बुंदेलखंड के ललितपुर जिले के एक छोटे से गाँव महौली की हैं , जहाँ गाँव के एक तालाब के सूख जाने के बाद गाँव वालों को पानी की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ा | ये बात उस वक़्त रौशनी में आई ,जब गूँज की टीम ने इस गाँव का दौरा किया | पानी की कमी से न केवल गाँव वाले परेशान थे बल्कि इसका असर उनके मवेशियों पर भी पड़ रहा था | एक ग्रामीण ने कहा कि ”


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