
Building hopes…

Building hopes…

Building hopes…

West Bengal; The Anganwadi (ICDS centre) of Foskadanga village in Alipurduar, West Bengal, has been in a state of neglect for a long time. Adjacent to a forest, cattle often roam into the centre, making it unclean for children to study and play. When Goonj, along with its partner organization, mobilized and encouraged the villagers, they decided to revamp the structure, painting materials, making bamboo fences, repairing the connecting road with stones brought from the Paro River, planting trees and painting the building a bright blue. Goonj rewarded their efforts with toys and daris for the centre and ration kits for the families. Now children are happy to spend their time at the centre while the villagers say that they will be planting more trees in the premises.

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