
285 people of Mudgal village, Raichur, Karnataka create a check dam on their own!

285 people of Mudgal village, Raichur, Karnataka create a check dam on their own!

Karnataka; Raichur’s water situation has severely deteriorated in the last few years affecting the local agriculture and animals as well. Families surviving on less than 10 water pots a day are forced to sell their cattle for meagre amounts as they can’t fulfill their water needs.

For the people of Mudgal village in Raichur district, their local check dam was their only water source and the one place their rainwater was collected. Goonj’s Karnataka Team mobilized and motivated the villagers to work together and repair their dam. Over 285 people worked tirelessly to locally collect stones to cover the 60 x 60 ft check dam.. all on their own! This much needed repair strengthened the walls of the dam and has increased its life for water collection in the monsoons.

In last one year alone (2017-18) Goonj organised over 880 water related projects across India. Read more stories here: https://goonj.org/category/water/

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