
The basics of a road is their struggle still

The basics of a road is their struggle still

The basics of a road is their struggle still

Living in the cities, we see well-built roads as a must but for people in the villages, the basics of a road is their struggle still, for example, the only road in Kvatar village in Bundelkhand (Uttar Pradesh), was anything but safe. Situated in a dense jungle, the road was the only path by which people brought back wood and herbs- their only source of income. There was a continuous risk of getting attacked by wild animals.

Motivated by our team, 35 villagers came together to rebuild and clean this road. In just 4 days, they managed to widen and clear all shrubs from the path, making it ready for easy access. All participants were rewarded for their efforts, with carefully made Goonj Family Kits with basic essentials!

To know more about ‘#ClothForWork” visit – www.goonj.org/cfw

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